• Training of Peer Educators (PE)
  • Conduct awareness and health talks to our target communities
  • TB screening (Entry, Mass, Passive and Exit)
  • Training of Correctional Officers as Psychosocial Counsellors and Treatment Supporters
  • Training of Correctional Officers and Peers in Nutrition
  • Training of Correctional Officers in Health Communication
  • Production and distribution of Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials
  • Production and distribution of Newsletter Magazine called “Inside News”
  • Follow-up and linkage of TB and HIV patients discharged while still on treatment
  • Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT)
  • Advocacy for improved health in congregate settings
  • Provision of shaving appliances
  • Promotion of hygiene
  • HIV/AIDS surveillance
  • Support for recreational and educational activities
  • Nutrition support for TB and ART Patients
  • Drama support
  • Supporting and mentoring Infection Prevention and Control Committees in correctional facilities.
  • Mental health awareness
  • Training of Officers in Mental Health
  • Training of inmates as Mental Health Facilitators 
  • Screening of mental health illnesses